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#387603 - A loud scream sounded as he looked back for an instant and saw the armer impaled with a bushel of arrows, fall from the wall whilst the rest of the men, 300 strong crashed into the Legions shield wall and it shattered, the men crushed beneath horse hooves like ma stone wall had fallen on top of them. But, what made the War Chargers different was that they were not made up solely of Nords, although they made up the majority, there were Red Guards, Khajiit, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Bretons, Argonisns, people who were fighting for their homes, for their freedom, for Skyrim. An Argonian, two female Khajiit, an Orc, three Nords, two Dark Elves and A Redguard, Linevia a Wood Elf and himself, who they said was Atmorran.

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